Welcome to the Cray History site where the entire timeline of supercomputers that carried the Cray name are represented. 

From Cray-1 to Cray-T3E and beyond, the complex history of these premier supercomputers is explored. Join in and contribute to the archive with recollections, photographs and information.

** Big thanks to Jim Masocco for his recollection of Seymour Cray Stories,  Interview film with Seymour Cray and other contributions to this site.

Lester “T” Davis ( 1930 .. 2023 )

Seymour Cray

Explore the family tree of Cray systems with specifications, documents and pictures.
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Help us build out this historical archive with corrections, photos, documents and contributions.    Contact us here.

Know of any Cray Supercomputer systems ? Check and correct the Historical Systems and Customer Locations Listings.

Go see a Historic Cray system on display at one of these locations.

Computer Conservation Society Filmshow 2023 – This film show concentrated on material about supercomputers built by Cray Research. From the classic C shaped Cray-1, through generations of systems, we saw and heard about the technology, applications and people involved with the world’s most powerful computers. Featuring a recently re-discovered interview with founder Seymour Cray and animations from real life applications. This playlist has the separate videos and the full recording.

What was it like building early Cray systems ? 

Read this personal account by Sonja Gardener of her time assembling early Cray supercomputer systems.

What was it like servicing and repairing Cray systems ?

Read this personal account by Charlie Clark of his time as field engineering manager at Cray. 

Read these accounts by Jim Masocco of various service issues.

Early in March 2023 had a couple of days at the Computer Museum of America in Atlanta. Took the opportunity to wander round and make some mini-videos of some of the Cray Supercomputer exhibits. See the collection here.

Thanks to Lonnie and David Laufer Creative director at CMoA for the titles and opportunity.

Research the Cray Channels magazine, the premier source for information about Cray Research systems, customers and applications.
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Cray Machine Families

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