Cray XMS

The first of the air cooled supermini Cray computers originally developed by Supertec and acquired by Cray Research. The XMS was a clone of the X-MP architecture implemented in CMOS technology.

” The Instruction Unit executes the Cray X-MP instruction set, enabling programs currently running on a Cray XMP to be used without modification on the XMS.”

The XMS, being a small machine, was a huge step for Cray Research. Used to building a small number of very expensive machine this system was the first step into departmental compute servers. Whilst not a big commercial or reliability success this machine changed the target market for Cray systems. This machine was succeeded by the Cray EL.

Cray Research and Dutch organisation develop petroleum exploration software

Cray Research announced in July 1991 that it has signed an agreement in principal with the Dutch research organization TNO (Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek), Delft, The Netherlands, to jointly develop a new generation of commercial seismic application software for the petroleum industry.  The resulting software will make seismic modeling on high-performance computers more accurate and useful in the discovery of oil and gas.

As part of the agreement, Cray Research will provide a CRAY XMS computer system, to DELSI, as the project is named. The system will be used as a platform for the development of commerical products based on prototype software developed by DELPHI, a seismic data processing research project headed by A. ]. Berkhout at the Delft University of Technology. Cray Research has been associated with the DELPHI project fo r the past five years and is one of the 22 sponsoring corporations.

To help broaden the use of high-performance computing at all levels of the petroleum industry, three portions of prototype software code have been identified for commercialization. They are model-based algorithmic approaches, which focus on seismic energy to discern detailed geological characteristics of the potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. 

Using the CRAY XMS system, the DELSI team will make these codes easier to use through enhancements, applying IEEE standards, writing software documentation, and executing case studies.

The CRAY XMS system will be installed at TNO and, through a high-speed network, linked to the CRAY Y-MP system located at SARA (StichtingAcademisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam), the Netherlands national supercomputer center The DELSI project will make the commercialized software available on Cray Research’s entire product line of high-performance computers.

XMS Trade-in program

Cray Research offers upgrade credit for CRAY XMS minisupercomputers  (1991)

Cray Research announced in November that purchasers of CRAY XMS minisuper- computer systems will receive full upgrade credit on orders for Cray Research’s follow- on minisupercomputer system, which is scheduled to be available in the second halfof 1991.

“The CRAY XMS system is designed to fulfill customers’ immediate need for a cost-e[ ective, Cray-compatible minisuper- computer sol~tion;’ said john A. Rollwagen, Cray Research’s chairman and chiefexecutive officer ‘This financial upgrade credit pro- vides new and existing customers with an easy transition to our follow-on minisuper- computer system, which will be compatible with our current CRAY Y-MP supercom- puter product series.”

The financial upgrade credit “allows customers to purchase a Cray Research product now, with full confidence that their purchase value can be applied toward additional computer power they may need in the future;’ said Mike Lindseth, vice president and general manager of the company’s Entry Level Systems Division,

a new business unit formed to manage the design, manufacture, and marketing ofCray Research’s minisupercomputers.

Lindseth said the trade-in arrangement will apply to orders of CRAY XMS systems taken by the end of April 1991 for delivery in 1991. Orders for the follow-on mini- supercomputer must be taken, and delivery made, by December 31, 1992.

The CRAY XMS system, based partly on technology obtained through Cray Research’s acquisition of Supertek Computers, Inc., is a 64-bit minisupercomputer compatible with the company’s earlier CRAY X-MP super- computer series. The CRAY XMS system runs Cray Research’s UNICOS operating system, CF77 Fortran and Standard C compilers, and networking software. Existing UNICOS applications run on the CRAY XMSwithoutmodification,andapplicationsdeveloped on the CRAY XMS can be run on CRAY-2, CRAY X-MP, and CRAY Y-MP computer systems.

Minisupercomputers are a vital element in the company’s network supercomputing strategy, Rollwagen said. “When networked with a high-end Cray Research supercom- puter and other products, the Cray Research minisupercomputer systems make the entire computing environment more time- and cost-e[ ective, by allowing users to select the level of Cray Research computing per- formance required for a given application:’

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