The Cray Channels magazine provides some insight into the customer and applications that used Cray Research Supecomputers. The Corporate Register section often listed customer orders and installation of Cray systems around the world. These have been extracted and are presented here for review. Further data analysis can be found on the Cray Channels Organisation page. The information runs up to the early T3E era about 1998. Other information may be gathered from Crays extensive press releases.
Not all customers were disclosed (esp .gov) even if some details of their systems later emerged on Top500 lists.
Data Extract ‘D’ July 2021
Organisation | Product | CoverIndex | Title | Abstract | PageNumberOnPage |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-1 | Vol.1. No 1 | The CRAY-1 Computer system: Summary of deliveries | First Cray installs at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, European centre for Medium range weather Forecast, Agencies of the department of defence, The National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Centre, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Computer Centre | 5 |
UCS United Computing Systems | Cray-1 | Vol.1. No 2 | United Computing’s CRAY-1 means business: New Business | 1 | |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-1 | Vol.1. No 2 | CRAY-1 delivered to Cray Research Headquarters | Configuration fo the Cray-1 at CRI picture. April6. 1979 a one-half million word CRAY-1 arrived at the Cray Research Headquarters in Mendota Heights | 2 |
UCS United Computing Systems | Cray-1 | Vol.1. No 2 | The systems at UCS | Network Diagram | 5 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-1 | Vol.1. No 3 | Serial 1 ….. World Traveler | SN1 Now at Daresbury | 2 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-1 | Vol.1. No 3 | Cray News from around the world | LASL, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Max Planck, Bell Labs, Cray Research | 7 |
LASL | Cray-1 | Vol.2. No 1 | Cray News from Around the world | A second Cray-1 for LASL Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory | 7 |
LASL, KAFB,Grumman, Centry Research | Cray-1 | Vol.2. No 1 | Cray News from Around the world | Centry Research Tokyo, Kirtland Air force base, Grumman Data System Corp, LASL | 8 |
ECMWF | Unspecified | Vol.2. No 2 | input/output | ECMWF European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) . This intergovernmental organization (at Shinfield Park. near Reading. U.K.) produces 2-week weather forecasts. Distributing daily forecasts to the 17 meteorological offices of the countries funding the Centre | 2 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-1 | Vol.2. No 2 | Cray News from Around the world | Sales office Pittsburgh, Cray Research Germany, Cray Research France, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Century Research Center Corporation (CRC). lawrence Livermore laboratory, ARCO Oil and Gas Company, and GETIA fan economic group formed by Electricite de France and Cielnternationale de Services en lnformatique). | 10 |
Century Research Center | Cray-1 | Vol.2. No 3 | The CRAY-1 at Century Research Center Corporation | The half-million word system was accepted in March. CRC is a leading service bureau specializing in scientific and engineering applications. January 1980-The CRAY-1 computer Is moved Into Century Research Center Corporation’s Service Bureau facility In Tokyo, Japan. Almost one year later, Channels visited CRC to see how the CRAY-1 has fit Into the CRC Complex System | 1 |
Century Research Center | Cray-1 | Vol.2. No 3 | input/output | CRC installed a CRAY-1 supercomputer in January 1980. in response to our customers· data processing needs for the 1980’s. | 2 |
MRI Mitsubishi Research Institute | Cray-1 | Vol.2. No 4 | input / output | This issue features Mitsubishi Research Institute. Inc. a CRAY-1 site since June of 1980. MRI is a full-service, integrated, “think-tank” organization located in Tokyo | 2 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 1 | 1981 installations to date | the company’s first shipment to France, and the first installation of a CRAY-1/S with an 1/0 Subsystem outside of the company, CRAY-1 S/1300 was installed at ARCO Oil and Gas Company, Groupment D’ exploitation de Techniques Informatiques Avancees of France, A two-million word CRAY-1/S was installed at LASL, A CRAY-1 S/500 was installed in the U.K. at the Science Research Council’s Daresbury Laboratory. This system replaced a CRAY-1 B system , which was moved to AERE , Harwell, Shell Company, Century Research Center Corporation, Tokyo, Japan was upgraded to a million words . |
17 |
Customer News | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 1 | Marketing update for the petroleum industry | Exxon and Shell | 18 |
UMN University of Minesota | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 1 | University of Minnesota Orders a Cray-1 | The University’s new acquisition is a CRAY-1/B system | 18 |
Air Force | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 2 | Four instalations made | During the third quarter, a CRAY-1 S/1000 was installed to replace the CRAY-1 A system leased by the Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. | 14 |
Boeing | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 2 | Boeing to expand it’s Cray-1 | 14 | |
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 2 | LANL places order for two computers systems | 14 | |
LLNL | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 2 | LLNL to add two more computers | 14 | |
NMFECC | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 2 | Four instalations made | National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center in Livermore, California | 14 |
UMN University of Minesota | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 2 | Four instalations made | A CRAY-1B system was installed at the University of Minnesota’s Lauderdale Computer Center in September. | 14 |
Westinghouse | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 2 | Four instalations made | Westinghouse Electric Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. | 14 |
ARCO Oil and Gas | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 3 | Arco oil and gas orders x-mp | located in Dallas, TX, recently ordered a CRAY X-MP/24 | 16 |
Chevron | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | Chevron recives Cray-1 System | CRAY-1 S/2300 | 18 |
Digital Productions | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | Digital Productions orders Cray-1 | CRAY-1 S/1000 | 18 |
UOL University of London | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | University of London to purchase Cray-1 | CRAY-1 S/1000 | 18 |
Boeing | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | Installations update | Boeing Cray-1s | 19 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | Installations update | CRAY-1 S/4400 at Exxon | 19 |
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | Installations update | CRAY-1 S/2000 at LANL | 19 |
LLNL | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | Installations update | CRAY-1 S/2000 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Computing Center (LCC) | 19 |
ARCO Oil and Gas | Cray-YMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | The ARCO Oil and Gas Company has installed a four-processor CRAY Y-MP computer system with SSD solid-state storage device at its computer center in Plano, Texas | 23 |
ARCO Oil and Gas | Cray-SuperServer | Volume 17, Number 1 | ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Company) has installed a Cray Research CS6400 system at its Exploration and Production Technology Center, Plano, Texas | 34 | |
AERE | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | CRAY-1 to be installed at AERE | Cray-1 S/1000 Install at Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell This system will replace the CRAY-1 that has been operating at Harwell since early 1981 . | 20 |
GETIA | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 2 | French system to be upgraded | GETI A will soon be upgrading from a one-million word CRAY-1 S Series Computer System to a two-million word system. GETIA was formed as a cooperative arrangement between Electricite de France and Compagnie Internationale de Services en Informatique (CISI). | 11 |
Nasa Lewis research centre | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 2 | NASA-Lewis places order for Cray-1/s2200 | In mid-July, NASA announced that it will in tall a CRAY-1 S/2200 computer system at NASA-Lewis in Cleveland, Ohio . | 11 |
DPI Digital Productions | Cray-XMP | Volume 4,Number 2 | Digital Productions places Cray’s first order for Cray X-MP | Digital Productions, Inc. (DPI), has ordered a CRAY X-MP/22 to be installed in the fourth quarter of 1983. | |
DFVLR | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 3 | Three systems to be installed in Germany | CRAY-1 S/1000 wi ll be installed at Deutsche Forschungs und Versuchanstalt Fuer Luft und Raumfahrt DFVLR | 17 |
KFA | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 3 | Three systems to be installed in Germany | The system will be a two-million word CRAY X-MP/22 and will be engaged in basic nuclear research, reactor safety and nuclear fusion for KFA | 17 |
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 3 | Cray’s 50th machine is delivered to a welcome home | 0 | 17 |
CMC Canadian Meteorological Center | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 1 | Canadian Meteorological Centre, SOHIO order CRAY systems | lease and maintenance of a CRAY-1 S/1300 computer system at the Canadian Meteorological Centre in Dorval, Quebec | 25 |
ARCO Oil and Gas | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | In August Cray Research also announced ARCO Oil and Gas Company of Dallas, Texas , upgraded its CRAY X-MP/24 computer system to a CRAY X-MP/ 28 system and added an SSD solid-state storage device |
27 |
NCAR | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 1 | NCAR to receive second Cray-1 System | A one-million word CRAY system w ill be installed at the NCAR facility in Boulder, Colorado early in 1983. The CRAY system will be NCAR’s second; back in 1977, NCAR installed the second CRAY-1 system ever produced by Cray Research. | 25 |
RARDE | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 1 | CRAY -1/S computer system chosen by U.K. Ministry of Defense | Installed a CRAY-1 S/1000 computer system for the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense at the Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment (RARDE) in Ke nt, | 26 |
UIS | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 1 | UIS upgrades CRAY | UIS purchased its CRAY-1 S/1000 computer system and completed a system upgrade to two million words of central memory. | 26 |
Ecole Polytechnic | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 2 | Cray Research to install CRAY-1 at Ecole Polytechnic | 12 | |
CGG | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 2 | Compagnie Generale de Geophysique of France orders CRAY supercomputer | CRAY-1/S with three I/0 Processors and eight million words of buffer memory | 13 |
Elf | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 2 | CRAY-1/M system selected by leading French petroleum company | Societe Nationale Elf Aquitaine (Production) | 13 |
Phillips Petrolium | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 2 | Phillips Petroleum Company orders first CRAY-1/M system | 13 | |
RAE | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 2 | Cray Research to install two systems in the UK | 13 | |
SAAB-Scania | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 2 | Cray to install first system in Scandinavia | SAAB-Scania AB Cray-1A | 13 |
UK MoD | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 2 | Cray Research to install two systems in the UK | CRAY computer at a research establishment of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense. {possibly RARDE} | 13 |
CEA | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 3 | French customers order X-MP and CRAY-1/S computers | l’ Energie Atomique (CEA), a French government agency that will purchase a CRAY-1 S/2200 computer. The system will be the agency’s second CRAY | 11 |
Chevron | Cray-XMP | Volume 5,Number 3 | Chevron to lease Cray X-MP supercomputer | CRAY X-MP/24 | 11 |
CISI | Cray-XMP | Volume 5,Number 3 | French customers order X-MP and CRAY-1/S computers | CISI placed an order for a CRAY X-MP/22 | 11 |
ECMWF | Cray-XMP | Volume 5,Number 3 | ECMWF orders Cray X-MP | CRAY X-MP/22 computer system. The two-million word CRAY X-MP with a Solid -state Storage Device will be installed at ECMWF in Shinfield Park, Reading, U.K ., during the fourth quarter of 1983 | 11 |
Lockheed | Unspecified | Volume 5,Number 3 | Lockheed order CRAY computer | CRAY-1S/1000 for aerospace applica tions such as structural analysis, computation and aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, simulation | 12 |
CISI | Unspecified | Volume 5,Number 3 | The French connection | Groupement d ‘Exploitation de Techniques Informatiques Avancees (GETIA) Compagnie Internationalede Services en Informatiques (CISI). Sharing a CRAY across the miles has allowed two French firms to grow into supercomputing one step at a time. | 17 |
GETIA | Unspecified | Volume 5,Number 3 | The French connection | Groupement d ‘Exploitation de Techniques Informatiques Avancees (GETIA) Compagnie Internationalede Services en Informatiques (CISI). Sharing a CRAY across the miles has allowed two French firms to grow into supercomputing one step at a time. | 17 |
Rarde | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 3 | A CRAY-1 is installed at RARDE | Royal Armament Development and Research Establishment (RARDE) | 18 |
GM | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 4 | General motors installs a CRAY-1/S | 22 | |
Grumman | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 4 | Grumman orders a CRAY-1/m | Grumman Data Systems Corporation installed a CRAY-1M/2200 that will be used exclusively by Grumman Aerospace Corporation. Grumman Data Systems now has two CRAY -1 systems installed at the Bethpage, New York center. | 22 |
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory | Cray-XMP | Volume 5,Number 4 | Cray X-MP/24 | 23 | |
NTT | Cray-XMP | Volume 5,Number 4 | Letter of intent | 23 | |
Westinghouse | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 4 | Cray-1s/2300 | will supplement the capacity of the CRAY-1/S installed at the site in 1981. | 23 |
Aramco | Cray-1 | Volume 6,Number 1 | Aramco orders CRAY-1/m | The Arabian American Oil Co. (ARAMCO) placed an order recently for a CRAY-1 M/4400 computer system. | 13 |
LLNL | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 1 | LLNL, Sandia Install Crays | Lawrence Livermore Nationa l Laboratory Computing Center (LCC) ‘ received a four-million word CRAY X-MP/24 | 13 |
Ministry of science and research West Berlin | Unspecified | Volume 6,Number 1 | Cray to be installed in West Berlin | The system, which was Installed in the first quarter of 1984, will be used by the Technical University, the Free University, and a number of research institutes located in West Berlin. |
13 |
ONERA | Cray-1 | Volume 6,Number 1 | French Aerospace Institute orders CRAY supercomputer | Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Acrospatialcs (ONERA) in Chatillon (near Paris), France, Through a joint proposal with the French company Bull. A CRAY-1S/2000 computer system will be installed at ONERA in the third quarter of 1984. | 13 |
Schlumberger | Cray-1 | Volume 6,Number 1 | Schlumberger orders CRAY-1/M | Schlumberger Technology Corporation placed an order for a CRAY-1M/2200 to be installed at Schlumbcrger’s research facility in Ridgefield, Connecticut. | 13 |
US Air Force | Cray-1 | Volume 6,Number 1 | US Air Force to install a CRAY | The U.S. Air Force has ordered a CRAY-1 M/2200 that will be installed at the Arnold Engineering Development Center in Tullahoma Tennessee. | 13 |
Boeing | Cray-1 | Volume 6,Number 2 | Boeing orders CRAY | BCS Boeing ordered a second CRAY-1/S | 23 |
CINECA | Cray-1 | Volume 6,Number 2 | Italian universities order CRAY-1/M | 13 Italian universities recently joined together to order a CRAY-1 M/2200 computer system. | 23 |
MEPSI | Cray-1 | Volume 6,Number 2 | CRAY-1M at Mobil | CRAY-1 M/2300. The system is to be installed at MEPSI’s facility in Dallas, Texas | 23 |
Merlin Profilers | Cray-1 | Volume 6,Number 2 | U.K. seismic contractor orders CRAY | Merlin Profilers Limited ordered a CRAY-1S/1300. | 23 |
Boeing | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 3 | Boeing orders X-MP | Boeing Computer Services Company (BCS) placed an order for a CRAY X-MP/24 and in June, installed a second CRAY-1 S/1000. | 16 |
CTSS | CTSS | Volume 6,Number 3 | CTTS Consulting group | The CRAY Time Sharing System (CTSS) provides an interactive interface between CRAY computers and all other systems in several laboratory networks. Today, CTSS, a public domain code, is used on 30-40% of all CRAY computers in the United States. | 16 |
Ford | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 3 | Ford to get a Cray | Ordered CRAY X-MP/11 | 16 |
Chevron | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 4 | Oil producerers expand Cray use | CRAY X-MP/48, was ordered by Chevron Oil Field Research Company of La Habra, California, | 14 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 4 | Bracknell data centre goes live | The Centre houses a CRAY X-MP/12 as well as IBM and VAX front-end co mputers. “We knew we wanted the CRAY, IBM and VAX equipment for software development,” explained Nick Edmunds, Data Centre Manager. | 14 |
Exxon | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 4 | Oil producerers expand Cray use | EXXON Company USA also ordered a CRAY X-MP/12. The system is scheduled for installation in the first quarter of 1985 at the company’s Exploration Data Processing Center in Houston, Texas | 14 |
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 4 | Los Alamos acquires sixth Cray | LANL’s latest CRAY acquis ition is a CRAY X-MP/24 with a Solid-state Storage Device | 14 |
NMFECC | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 4 | NMFECC to get Cray | National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center (NMFECC) recently ordered a CRAY X-MP/22 | 14 |
US Navy | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 4 | Navy orders Cray | Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washing ton, D.C. ordered a CRAY X-MP/12 | 14 |
LLNL | Cray-XMP | Spring 1985 | LLNL to get two Crays | Cray Research an nounced an order for its two newest and largest computer systems, the CRAY-2 and the CRAY X-MP/48, by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). | 18 |
Rockwell | Cray-XMP | Spring 1985 | Rockwell orders Cray | Rockwell International Corporation recently ordered a CRAY X-MP/12 computer system to be installed in the second quarter of 1985 at Rockwell’s Information Systems Center in Seal Beach, California | 18 |
LLNL | Cray-1 | Spring 1985 | CRAY resuscitation successful | LLNL CRAY-1/S at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) ran in to a plumbing problem. | 24 |
ADNOC | Cray-XMP | Summer 1985 | Cray announces international orders | Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) ordered a CRA Y X-MP/14 | 22 |
Nissan | Cray-XMP | Summer 1985 | Japanese auto maker to get Cray | Cray-XMP/11 This will be the fifth CRAY system installed in Japan. The others include systems recently installed at Toshiba and Nippon Telephone and Telegraph NTT. | 22 |
Opel | Cray-1 | Summer 1985 | Cray announces international orders | Adam Opel Cray-1 S/1000 | 22 |
DMN | Cray-2 | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | Direction de Ia Meteorologie Nationale (DMN), a new customer for Cray Research, has installed a CRAY- 2/4-256 supercomputer at Ecole Polytechnique in France. | 22 |
University of Illinois | Cray-XMP | Summer 1985 | NSF funding presents academic research options | University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign Illinois plans to install a CRAY X-MP/24, University of California, San Diego, gets a CRAY X-MP/48 | 22 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-2 | Summer 1985 | CRAY family grows in Mendota Heights | Cray-2 Quad installed | 24 |
BP | Cray-XMP | Fall 1985 | Cray Announces new orders | British Petroleum (BP) for the installation of a CRAY X-MP/12 in London | 26 |
ECMWF | Cray-XMP | Fall 1985 | Cray Announces new orders | CRAY X-MP/48 computer system with a Solid-state Storage Device in Reading | 26 |
EDF | Cray-XMP | Fall 1985 | Cray Announces new orders | CRAY X-MP/24 The system will be installed at EDF’s research center facility in Clamart, France. | 26 |
EPFL | Cray-XMP | Fall 1985 | Cray Announces new orders | A CRAY-1 S/2000 system to be installed at ‘Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland | 26 |
NASA – Ames | Cray-YMP | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | Delivered the first CRAY Y-MP computer system to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. The system replaces one of two CRAY-2 supercomputers at the NASA Ames site. It is the second HighSpeed Processor (HSP-2) in the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) program | 25 |
Du Pont | Cray-1 | Winter 1986 | Use of Cray systems expanding | the first supercomputer installed in the chemical industry and will be housed at Du Pont’s Experimental Station near Wilmington, Delaware. | 22 |
Fairchild | Cray-1 | Winter 1986 | Use of Cray systems expanding | Cray-1S/2000Fairchild’s Gate Array Division in Milpitas, California. This order represents the first CRAY system in the U.S . dedicated to semiconductor research and development. | 22 |
NASA – Ames | Cray-YMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | The NASA Ames Research Center’s Central Computing Facility, Moffett Field , California, has installed a CRAY Y-MP8/ 832 supercomputer. Sterling Software’s ZeroOne System Division will replace a CRAY X-MP/48 system that was installed in February 1985. | 25 |
UMN University of Minesota | Cray-2 | Winter 1986 | University of Minnesota to install CRAY – 2 | Minnesota, Research Equipment, Inc. (REI) has ordered a CRAY- 2 | 22 |
Elf | Cray-XMP | Winter 1986 | More news about orders | Order for CRAY X-MP/12 computer system and a 32-million-word Solid state Storage Device. will replace the CRAY -1 /M | 23 |
NTT | Cray-XMP | Winter 1986 | More news about orders | CRAY X-MP/1 sixth CRAY computer going to Japan . | 23 |
NASA – Ames | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | NASA’s Ames Research Center, Ordered two CRAY Y-MP 2E system was installed at the Central C9mputing Facility of the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. The agreement calls for a CRAY Y-MP C90 system to be delivered to the same facility this year. | 27 |
Apple | Cray-XMP | Spring 1986 | Recent Cray system installations | Apple Computer, Inc. ordered a CRAY X-MP/ 48 supercomputer. The system will be installed at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino | 29 |
AT&T | Cray-XMP | Spring 1986 | Recent Cray system installations | AT&T Bell Laboratories, located in Murray Hill, New Jersey, to augment existing computin g facilities . Bell Laboratories first installed a CRAY-1 in 1979 | 29 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-XMP | Spring 1986 | 1985 at a glance, 100th system shipped | In 1985, Cray Research installed 28 new systems and reinstalled six systems. The 28 new systems installed in 1985 included two CRAY-2 systems, 13 uniprocessor CRAY X-MP systems, nine X-MP dual-processor models, and four X-MP four-processor systems. These 28 systems represent 55 central processing units; by comparison, the 23 new systems installed in 1984 represented 38 central processing units. Cray-3 update | 29 |
Nasa Lewis research centre | Cray-XMP | Spring 1986 | Recent Cray system installations | A CRAY X-MP/24 computer system with a Solid state Storage Device (SSD) was installed at NASA’s Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, | 29 |
University of Texas | Cray-XMP | Spring 1986 | Recent Cray system installations | CRAY X-MP/24 computer including an SSD is scheduled for installation at the UT Balcones Research Center in Austin, Texas | 29 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Unspecified | Summer 1986 | On the cover | A physical model of a gallium arsenide crystal | 0 |
Lockheed | Cray-XMP | Summer 1986 | More new customers for Cray computer systems | Lockheed Advanced Aeronautics Company (LAAC) installed a CRAY X-MP/24 computer system in January. The system is located at Lockheed’s Kelly Johnson Research Center in Rye Canyon, California. | 31 |
McDonnel Douglas | Cray-XMP | Summer 1986 | More new customers for Cray computer systems | McDonnell Douglas Corporation ordered a CRAY X-MP/14 computer system and a 32-million-word SSD storage device, | 32 |
Merlin Profilers | Cray-XMP | Summer 1986 | More new customers for Cray computer systems | Merlin acquired its first Cray system in 1984. The addition of a dual-processor CRAY X-MP computer system will considerably enhance the company’s data processing throughput. | 32 |
NCAR | Cray-XMP | Summer 1986 | More new customers for Cray computer systems | Cray Research announced the order of a CRAY X-MP/48 computer system with a 128-million-word SSD solid-state storage device by the UCAR installed at NCAR in Boulder CO. | 32 |
Conoco | Cray-XMP | Fall 1986 | Worldwide market grows | CRAY X-MP/14 computer system was installed in July for Conoco, Inc. , at the company’s Ponca City, Oklahoma | 27 |
Grumman | Cray-XMP | Fall 1986 | Worldwide market grows | Installed a CRAY X-MP/44 system for Grumman Data Systems Corporation at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama | 27 |
INFOCIP | Cray-XMP | Fall 1986 | Worldwide market grows | CRAY X-MP/12 computer system from INFOCIP (Institut Francais du Petrole) and CISI (Compagnie International de Services en Inforrnatique ) | 27 |
Universty of Trondheim | Cray-XMP | Fall 1986 | Worldwide market grows | The first Cray computer system to be installed in Norway. A CRAY X-MP/22 system purchased by the Norwegian research foundation SINTEF is scheduled for installation at the Universty of Trondheim | 27 |
NASA – Langley | Cray-YMP | Winter 1991 | Cray Research sells first CRAY Y-MP2E systems | The NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia installed its second Cray Research supercomputr; a CRAY Y-MP system, in the fourth quarter of 1990. The order included Cray Research’s recently announced file server technology, the UNICOS Storage System, which will be used to manage more than one trillion bytes of storage. NASA will run the file server capability on its CRAY Y-MP system. | 21 |
NASA – Ames | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 2 | Cray-1 to be installed at NASA-AMES | 14 | |
CERN | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | CERN, a European particle physics laboratory, had ordered a CRAY X-MP/ 48 computer system with an SSD storage device | 27 |
KFA | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | an order for a CRAY X-MP/ 48 computer system from Kernforschungsanlage Julich (KFA), a West German national research laboratory | 27 |
L’Ecole Polytechnique, | Cray-2 | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | L’Ecole Polytechnique, Paris The CRAY-2 system will replace a CRAY-1S/1000 system installed in 1983 | 27 |
Max Planck | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | Max Planck Gesellschaft in West Germany had ordered a CRAY X-MP/24 computer system | 27 |
ONERA | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | order of a CRAY X-MP/18 computer system by the Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (ONERA). Chantilion France | 27 |
Pratt & Whitney | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | Pratt & Whitney Government Products, a division of United Technologies Corporation, had ordered a CRAY X-MP/28 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device. | 27 |
PSA | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | The French automotive group Peugeot S.A. had ordered a CRAY X-MP/ 14 computer system. | 27 |
SCC | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | Scientific Computer Centers (SCC) had installed a CRAY-1/M computer system at SSC’s computer facilities in Houston, Texas. | 27 |
U.S. Department of Energy | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations, ordered a CRAY X-MP/12 computer system to be installed the first quarter of 1987 in Richland, Washington. | 27 |
University of California – Berkely | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | The University of California, Berkeley, announced the installation of a CRAY X-MP/14 computer system in October. | 27 |
US Army | Cray-XMP | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | U.S. Army had ordered two Cray computer systems: a CRAY X-MP/48 system with an SSD storage device and a CRAY-2 computer system . Both computer systems are scheduled for installation during the first half of 1987 at the Army Ballistics Research Laboratory in Aberdeen, Maryland. | 27 |
US Army | Cray-2 | Winter 1987 | Cray systems serve a global market | U.S. Army had ordered two Cray computer systems: a CRAY X-MP/48 system with an SSD storage device and a CRAY-2 computer system . Both computer systems are scheduled for installation during the first half of 1987 at the Army Ballistics Research Laboratory in Aberdeen, Maryland. | 27 |
CEA | Cray-XMP | Spring 1987 | New orders reflect diverse market | Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique (CEA) had ordered a CRAY X-MP/ 416 computer system | 26 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-XMP | Spring 1987 | New orders reflect diverse market | Grumman Aerospace Corporation installed a CRAY X-MP/14 supercomputer with an SSD solid-state storage device The system replaces a CRAY-1M/2300 computer system installed 1983 in 1983 | 26 |
GE | Cray-XMP | Spring 1987 | New orders reflect diverse market | General Electric Aircraft Engine Business Group had acquired a CRAY X-MP/28 computer system with an SSD solid-state storage device | 26 |
Honda | Cray-XMP | Spring 1987 | New orders reflect diverse market | Honda Motor Company, Ltd., of Tokyo, Japan, had ordered a CRAY X-MP/12 supercomputer | 26 |
US Navy | Cray-XMP | Spring 1987 | New orders reflect diverse market | Naval Research Laboratory to upgrade from a CRAY X-MP/12 computer system to a CRAY X-MP/24 system | 26 |
US Navy | Cray-XMP | Spring 1987 | New orders reflect diverse market | Unisys Corporation, acting a s prime contractor for the U.S. Navy, ordered a CRAY X-MP/22 | 26 |
Bell Labs | Cray-XMP | Spring 1987 | High-tech attire makes this AT&T system unique | 32 | |
NASA – Ames | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | Installations update | Cray-1 S/1300 at NASA Ames | 19 |
UOT University of Texas | Unspecified | Summer 1987 | A new kind of gusher for the Lone star state Supercomuting at the Univesity of Texas | This university system provides Cray power to staff and students | 24 |
BP | Cray-XMP | Summer 1987 | Demand for Cray Systems continues | British Petroleum had ordered a CRAY X-MP/24 to be installed in London The CRAY X-MP/24 system will replace a CRAY X-MP/12 system in operation since 1985. | 32 |
EDF | Cray-XMP | Summer 1987 | Demand for Cray Systems continues | Order of a CRAY X-MP/24 computer system by Electricite de France (EDF) EDF will continue to operate a CRAY X-MP/216 computer system previously installed at its Clamart facility in Francve | 32 |
Lockheed | Cray-XMP | Summer 1987 | Demand for Cray Systems continues | installation of a CRAY X-MP/ 24 computer system at Lockheed Missiles & Space Company. The system replaced a CRAY-1/S system in operation since 1983 | 32 |
Standard Oil | Cray-XMP | Summer 1987 | Demand for Cray Systems continues | Cray Research announced in March that Standard Oil Production Company has ordered a CRAY X-MP/28 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device | 32 |
Aerospatiale | Cray-XMP | Summer 1987 | Demand for Cray Systems continues | ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system. The system will be the first CRAY X-MP/14se system installed at a customer site. | 33 |
CINECA | Cray-XMP | Summer 1987 | Demand for Cray Systems continues | installed a CRAY X-MP/48 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device in Bolongna | 33 |
DFVLR | Cray-XMP | Summer 1987 | Demand for Cray Systems continues | Order of a CRAY X-MP/216 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device by the Deutsche Forschungsund Versuchsanstalt fuer Luftund Raumfahrt (DFVLR), | 33 |
NASA – Ames | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 1 | TDC installs a Solid-state Storage device | TDC installed a sixteen-million word Solid-state Storage Device (SSD) to augment the CRAY’s power and versatility. | 25 |
US Air Force | Cray-XMP | Summer 1987 | Demand for Cray Systems continues | Order of a CRAY X-MP/14 computer system by the Aerospace Corporation, a new Cray customer works for Space Division of the U.S. Air Force Systems Command. | 33 |
Boeing | Cray-XMP | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | ordered a CRAY X-MP/24 system with SSD Solid-state Storage Device Alabama Supercomputer Center in Huntsville will host the Cray system | 19 |
Daimler-Benz | Cray-XMP | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | installed a CRAY X-MP/24 computer system with SSD Solid-state Storage Device. | 19 |
Department of Energy | Cray-XMP | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | Ordered Cray-XMP/24 computer system to support the scientific and engineering efforts of the Department of Energy. EG&G Idaho, Inc. | 19 |
Du Pont | Cray-XMP | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | CRAY X-MP/24 computer system with SSD Solid-state Storage Device to replace its CRAY-1/A system at DuPont | 19 |
Leading Edge Technology | Cray-1 | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | Leading Edge Technologies, Ltd. of Australia ordered a CRAY-1/M computer system, which will be used by petroleum, aerospace, automotive, biotechnology, and other high technology companies | 19 |
NASA – Ames | Cray-XMP | Volume 5,Number 4 | Cray X-MP/22 replaces Cray-1s | 22 | |
University of Kiel | Cray-XMP | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | University of Kiel in West Germany ordered a CRAY X-MP/18 computer system | 19 |
US Air Force | Cray-XMP | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | Unisis ordered a CRAY-2 supercomputer, acting as prime contractor for the United States Air Force Weapons Laboratory. | 19 |
US Army | Cray-XMP | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | U.S Army Strategic Defense Command purchased a CRAY X-MP/14 computer system in Huntsville Alabama. | 19 |
NASA – Ames | Cray-2 | Volume 6,Number 2 | NASA orders first Cray-2 | The CRAY -2 will be installed by the Numerical Aerodynamics Simulation (NAS) Program at the NASA-Ames Research Center | 23 |
NASA – Ames | Cray-2 | Volume 6,Number 3 | NASA research institute plans for future | RIACS & NAS Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS) at NASA Ames Research Center in California. RIACS, Ciffone said NAS has ordered a CRAY -2 to be installed in 1985. A CRAY X-MP/12 is being installed as an interim computer | 22 |
Department of Energy | Cray-XMP | Winter 1988 | Cray Adds new customers | Argonne National Laboratory had ordered a CRAY X-MP/14 computer system. | 26 |
GE | Cray-XMP | Winter 1988 | Cray Adds new customers | General Electric (GE), acting as a prime contractor for the Department of Energy, has ordered a CRAY X-MP/48 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device. At Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL) in Schenectady, New York, | 26 |
MITI | Cray-XMP | Winter 1988 | Cray Adds new customers | Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) had ordered a CRAY X-MP/216 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device in Tsukuba, Japan | 26 |
Texaco | Cray-XMP | Winter 1988 | Cray Adds new customers | installed a CRAY X-MP/28 computer system at Texaco’s geophysical center in Bellaire, Texas | 26 |
US Army | Cray-2 | Winter 1988 | Cray Adds new customers | U. S. Army’s tank command base (TACOM) in Warren, Michigan | 26 |
BMW | Cray-XMP | Spring 1988 | Customers join Cray Research’s world wide market | Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) ordered a CRAY X-MP/28 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device in Munich | 25 |
CASA | Cray-1 | Spring 1988 | Customers join Cray Research’s world wide market | Constmcciones Aeronauticas, S.A. (CASA) – an aerospace agency located in Madrid. CASA ordered a CRAY-1/S computer system. | 25 |
CEA | Cray-XMP | Spring 1988 | Customers join Cray Research’s world wide market | Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique (CEA) had ordered a CRAY X-MP/28 computer system and a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system. | 25 |
Exxon | Cray-XMP | Spring 1988 | Customers join Cray Research’s world wide market | Exxon Research and Engineering of Clinton, New Jersey, has ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system | 25 |
Marathon Oil | Cray-XMP | Spring 1988 | Customers join Cray Research’s world wide market | ordered a CRAY X-MP/ 14se computer system. The system, which is the first Cray supercomputer for Marathon Oil in Colorardo | 25 |
Michelin | Cray-XMP | Spring 1988 | Customers join Cray Research’s world wide market | French tire manufacturer Michelin ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system. | 25 |
US Navy | Cray-XMP | Spring 1988 | Customers join Cray Research’s world wide market | Naval Underwater Systems Center (NUSC), ordered a CRAY X-MP/28 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device. | 25 |
NASA – Ames | Cray-XMP | Spring 1986 | Recent Cray system installations | A CRAY X-MP/48 computer system including a 128-million-word SSD was installed at the NASA /Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. ordered the system to replace its CRAY X-MP/22 system previously installed at NASA/Ames |
29 |
EPFL | Cray-2 | Summer 1988 | New customers join Cray’s worldwide market; first order for Cray YMP system | Ecole Polytechnic Federale de Lausanne For Plasma physics and hydrodynamics simulation | 32 |
ETH | Cray-XMP | Summer 1988 | New customers join Cray’s worldwide market; first order for Cray YMP system | Eidgenossiche Technische Hochschule Located in Zurich, ETH ordered a Two processor X-MP system for West Mifflin, Pennsylvania. | 32 |
KAIST | Cray-2 | Summer 1988 | New customers join Cray’s worldwide market; first order for Cray YMP system | Ordered a CRAY-2S/4-1 28 computer system located in Seoul Korea | 32 |
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory | Cray-XMP | Summer 1988 | New customers join Cray’s worldwide market; first order for Cray YMP system | Ordered two Cray Y-MP systems | 32 |
LRZ | Cray-XMP | Summer 1988 | New customers join Cray’s worldwide market; first order for Cray YMP system | Leibniz Rechenzentrum the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich ordered CRAY X-MP/24 system | 32 |
NCI | Cray-XMP | Winter 1986 | CRAY X-MP to be installed for National Cancer Institute | CRAY X-MP/22 computer system will be installed at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Bethesda, Maryland, | 22 |
Toyota | Cray-XMP | Summer 1988 | New customers join Cray’s worldwide market; first order for Cray YMP system | Toyota Motor Corporation of products. Japan has ordered a CRAY X-MP/18 computer system third Japanese auto maker to acquire a Cray system, and the first Japanese automaker to purchase a second supercomputer. 12th System in Japan. | 32 |
Westinghouse | Cray-XMP | Summer 1988 | New customers join Cray’s worldwide market; first order for Cray YMP system | Westinghouse for Bettis Atomic Power plant ordered a CRAY X-MP/48 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device | 32 |
NCI | Cray-YMP | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | National Cancer Institute (NCI), has installed a CRAY Y-MP8 computer system at the NCI Frederick Cancer Research The new system will be used for computational chemistry to help design new drugs and to search for cures for cancer, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and other diseases. | 31 |
NASA – Langley | Cray-2 | Winter 1989 | Two research organisations order CRAY Y-MP systems | NASA Langley | 31 |
Rolls-Royce | Cray-YMP | Summer 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia , Japan, U.K., and U.S. | Rolls-Royce pic , a leading international aero engine manufacturer, has ordered a four-processor CRAY Y-MP | 25 |
DKRZ | Cray-2 | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ) located in Hamburg, West Germany, has ordered a CRAY-2 computer | 25 |
NASA | Cray-YMP | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery | 25 | |
Ohio Supercomputer Centre | Cray-YMP | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | Ohio State University, acting as fiscal agent for the Ohio Supercomputer Center in Columbus, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP computer system | 25 |
PSC | Cray-YMP | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | Pittsburg Supercomputing centre Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, had signed a long-term $30 million agreement to purchase a CRAY Y-MP and to upgrade to a CRAY-3 supercomputer, which is under development. The eight-processor CRAY Y-MP/832 system will be installed at the center in the fourth quarter of 1988, and will replace the CRAY X-MP/48 system installed since 1986. | 25 |
ULB/VUB | Cray-XMP | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | Two universities in Brussels, Belgium, Universite Libre de Bruxelles and Vrije Universiteit Brussd (ULB/VUB), have ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system. The Cray system, which is the first to be installed in Belgium | 25 |
University of Illinois | Cray-2 | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, has ordered a CRAY-2S/4-128 computer system | 25 |
US Air force | Cray-YMP | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | U.S. Air Force, had ordered a CRAY-2S/2-128 computer system valued at approximately $17 million | 25 |
US Army | Cray-XMP | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | Digital Equipment Corporation, acting as a major subcontractor for the U.S. Army, Kwajalein Atoll (USAKA), had ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system | 25 |
LLNL | Cray-2 | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | l.awrence Livermore National laboratory had ordered a CRAY-2S/4-128 computer system. The computer will be installed at the National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center in Livermore, California | 26 |
Chrysler Corporation | Cray-XMP | Winter 1989 | Two research organisations order CRAY Y-MP systems | Chrysler Motors, a new Cray customer, ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se | 31 |
Customer News | Cray-YMP | Winter 1989 | Two research organisations order CRAY Y-MP systems | KFA, NCSC, Fiat, VTKK, PSA, NASA Langley, Chrysler motors | 31 |
Fiat Auto | Cray-XMP | Winter 1989 | Two research organisations order CRAY Y-MP systems | FIAT Auto ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system The CRAY X-MP/14se system runs Cray Research’s UNICOS operating system | 31 |
KFA | Cray-YMP | Winter 1989 | Two research organisations order CRAY Y-MP systems | KFA, Kemforschungsanlage jiilich (KFA), West Germany’s largest scientific research laboratory, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP/832 computer system. This is the first CRAY Y-MP system order from outside of the United States. The purchased CRAY Y-MP system will replace KFA’s CRAY X-MP/22 computer | 31 |
Scripps | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in La jolla, California has ordered a CRAY X-MP EA / 116se computer system will replace a CRAY X-MP/14se | 28 |
NCSC | Cray-YMP | Winter 1989 | Two research organisations order CRAY Y-MP systems | Microelectronics Center of North Carolina has ordered a CRAY Y-MP computer system | 31 |
PSA | Cray-YMP | Winter 1989 | Two research organisations order CRAY Y-MP systems | P.S.A. Group (Peugeot and Citroen) has ordered a CRAY X-MP/216 computer system. The leased system, which was installed at Citroen’s computer center in the fourth quarter of 1988, replaces a CRAY X-MP/14 system that was installed in the first quarter of 1987. | 31 |
VTKK | Cray-XMP | Winter 1989 | Two research organisations order CRAY Y-MP systems | The Finnish State Computer Center VTKK, has ordered a CRAY X-MP EA/416 computer system. The supercomputer will be the first Cray system installed in Finland. Pending export license approval, an interim CRAY X-MP/14se system will be installed | 31 |
ASU | Cray-XMP | Winter 1989 | Two research organisations order CRAY Y-MP systems | Arizona State University CASU) ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system Currently, 22 Cray systems are installed at universities in 10 countries | 32 |
Scripps | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia, England, the United States, and France | Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation of La jolla, California, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E system and the UniChem interactive chemistry environment. | 30 |
Scripps | Cray-XMP | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system to be used for drug design | 19 |
DOE | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | Du Pont Company, acting as prime contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Laboratory, ordered a CRAY X-MP EA/132 to run Unicos | 28 |
LLNL | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | Lawrence Livermore National Lab oratory (LLNL) installed a CRAY Y-MP/832 | 28 |
Lockheed | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Inc. , installed a CRAY X-MP EA/232 system in the fourth quarter of 1988 at the Lockheed Engineering Computing Facility in Sunnyvale, California. The leased system replaced a CRAY X-MP/28 system | 28 |
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | Mitsubishi Motors Corporation has ordered a CRAY X-MP EA/116 computer system. This was the fourth Cray system to be purchased by a japanese automotive customer in 1988. | 28 |
NCAR | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research has ordered a CRAY X-MP/18 system to be installed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder Colorado will be used to convert users’ codes from the Cray operating system COS to Cray Research’s UNlCOS operating system, which is based on AT&T UNIX System V. The used system will replace NCAR’s CRAY-1A system , which has served NCAR for 11 years. NCAR will continue to apply its CRAY X-MP/48 system to climate and weather research. | 28 |
Shell | Cray-1 | Volume 5,Number 1 | Shell to install CRAY system in the Netherlands | Cray-1 S at KSEPL | 25 |
Standard Oil | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | Standard Oil Production Company has accepted delivery of a CRAY X-MP EA/416 system at Standard Oil’s new scientific computing center in Houston. to replace a CRAY X-MP/28 | 28 |
TECNATON | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | TECNATOM, S.A., a company that serves the major Spanish electrical utility is scheduled to install a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system in Madrid , Spain | 28 |
University of Kiel | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | installed a CRAY X-MP/216 | 28 |
University of Linkoping | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | University of Linkoping in Sweden ordered a CRAY X-MP/ 48 computer system to be installed at the computer facilities of Saab-Scania | 28 |
US Navy | Cray-YMP | Spring 1989 | Cray Research’s customers span the globe | Naval Weapons Center in China Lake, California, has ordered a CRAY X-MP EA/116 | 28 |
EDF | Cray-YMP | Summer 1989 | Cray Research gains three chemical industry customers | Electricite de France (EDF), the French national utili ties company, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP8/432 system and a CRAY Y-MP4/232 system. | 24 |
Eli Lilly | Cray-2 | Summer 1989 | Cray Research gains three chemical industry customers | Eli Lilly and Company has ordered a CRAY-2 computer system | 24 |
MIT | Cray-YMP | Summer 1989 | Cray Research gains three chemical industry customers | installation of a CRAY-2/4-256 systemon the MIT campus. | 24 |
Monsanto | Cray-XMP | Summer 1989 | Cray Research gains three chemical industry customers | Monsanto, a company specializing in agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology, has installed a CRAY X-MP EA/116se system. | 24 |
RARDE | Cray-XMP | Summer 1989 | Cray Research gains three chemical industry customers | Royal Armament Research & Development Establishment (RARDE), a British government defense research laboratory, has installed and accepted a CRAY X-MP EA/416 supercomputer, which will be upgraded to a CRAY Y-MP8/432 in Sevenoaks , Kent, England. The new system replaces a CRAY-1/S system installed since 1983, | 24 |
Sumitomo Chemical enginerring company | Cray-2 | Summer 1989 | Cray Research gains three chemical industry customers | Sumi tomo Chemical Engineering Company, a leading japanese manufacturer of fine chemicals, has ordered a CRAY X-MP/EA ll6se supercomputer | 24 |
BA | Cray-YMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | British Aerospace Plc, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2/132 supercomputer. | 24 |
Continential | Cray-XMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | Continental AG, a West German tire manufacturer, has ordered a CRAY X-MP EA/18se | 24 |
FMC Ford Motor Company | Cray-YMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | Ford motor company, Ordered a CRAY Y-MP8 for Dearbourn Using Unicos supliments Cray X-MP | 24 |
JPL | Cray-XMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | California Institute of Technology has installed a CRAY X-MP / 18 supercomputer at its jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL) | 24 |
Renault | Cray-XMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | Renault, a French automaker, has ordered a CRAY X-MP/18 computer | 24 |
US Army | Cray-YMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | U.S.Army ordered a CRAY Y-MP8 supercomputer and peripheral equipment to be installed at the Waterways Ex periment Station (WES) in Vicksburgh, Mississippi For civil defence | 24 |
Mitsubishi Electric | Cray-YMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | Mitsubishi Electrich as ordered a CRAY Y-MP 4/132 | 25 |
Shell | Cray-YMP | Fall 1988 | NASA Ames receives first CRAY Y-MP system delivery other orders | Shell Research, BY. had ordered a CRAY X-MP EA/164 system to be installed at the Koninklijke/Shell Exploratie en Produktie Laboratorium in Rijswijk, the Netherlands | 25 |
Philips Petroleum | Cray-YMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | Phillips Petroleum Company has ordered a CRAY Y-MP 2/116 | 25 |
PRAKAL SEISOMOS | Cray-XMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | PRAKLA SEISMOS AG , a West German geophysical services company, has installed a CRAY X-MP/ 18 computer system at its computer center in Hannover, West Germany | 25 |
SDSC | Cray-YMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | General Atomics, which operates the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego for the National Science Foundation, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP supercomputer. The system, will replace a CRAY X-MP/48 | 25 |
University of Texas | Cray-YMP | Fall 1989 | Demand grows for CRAY Y-MP systems | Texas A&:M University, a new customer for Cray Research, has installed a CRAY Y-MP2/116 system at its main campusat College Station , Texas. | 25 |
Shell | Cray-YMP | Winter 1991 | Cray Research sells first CRAY Y-MP2E systems | Shell Oil Company has installed a CRAY Y-MP syste m at its information center in Houston , Texas. | 22 |
Aerospatiale | Cray-XMP | Winter 1990 | Cray Research lands new orders in the aerospace industry | Aerospatiale CRAY X-MP/11se | 24 |
CEA | Cray-2 | Winter 1990 | Cray Research lands new orders in the aerospace industry | Commisssariat a l’Energy Atomic, CRAY-2/ 4-256 | 24 |
JSC Johnson space center | Cray-XMP | Winter 1990 | Cray Research lands new orders in the aerospace industry | Johnson space Centre recently installed a CRAY X-MP EA/464 | 24 |
Lockheed | Cray-YMP | Winter 1990 | Cray Research lands new orders in the aerospace industry | Lockheed Aeronautical systems company Cray Y-MP | 24 |
Toyota | Cray-YMP | Winter 1990 | Cray Research lands new orders in the aerospace industry | Toyota CRAY Y-MP/18 This will be the second Cray system for Toyota, which installed a CRAY X-MP / 18 system in October 1988 | 24 |
UKMET | Cray-YMP | Winter 1990 | Cray Research lands new orders in the aerospace industry | The United Kingdom Metrological office UKMET Cray Y-MP 8 with SSD , Currently, nine Cray Research supercomputers are installed around the world for weather forecasting and environmental research. Seventeen Cray Research systems are in use today in the United Kingdom. | 24 |
Shell | Cray-XMP | Summer 1985 | Cray announces international orders | Cray XMP/14 for Shell | 22 |
DWD | Cray-YMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), the West German weather service a four-processor CRAY Y-MP supercomputer at its office in Offenbach, Federal Republic of Germany. | 22 |
ECMWF | Cray-YMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has ordered an eight-processor CRAY Y-MP. Forth Supercomputer With the installation of a CRAY-1A system in 1978, ECMWF became Cray Research’s first European customer. A CRAY X-MP/22 system was installed in 1983 and was followed by a CRAY X-MP/48 system in 1986. | 22 |
NCAR | Cray-YMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, has ordered an eight-processor CRAY Y-MP system, | 22 |
NOAA | Cray-YMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has ordered two eight-processor CRAY Y-MP supercomputer systems at National Meteorological Center (NMC), Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) in Princeton, New Jersey. Both systems will run Cray Research’s UNICOS operating system | 22 |
Taiwan National University | Cray-XMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | Taiwan National University has installed a CRAY X-MP/14se supercomputer, the first Cray Research system to be installed in the Republic of China. | 22 |
ARAMCO | Cray-2 | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | The Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi ARAMCO) installed a CRAY-2 computer system during the fourth quarter of 1989 at its computer facility in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Using Unicos | 23 |
AWE | Cray-YMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | The Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) in Aldermaston, United Kingdom, has ordered an eight-processor CRAY Y-MP supercomputer to replace a cray-1 | 23 |
Catalonia Research Foundation | Cray-XMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | The Catalonian Research Foundation has ordered a CRAY X-MP/14se computer system to serve a network of universities in Spain | 23 |
FSU | Cray-YMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | Florida State University (FSU) installeda four-processor CRAY Y-MP8 | 23 |
NASA – Goddard | Cray-YMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center has ordered a four-processor CRAY Y-MP8 system for Goddard’s Space and Earth Sciences Computing Center in Greenbelt and a four-processor CRAY Y-MP8 system for NASA’s Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio | 23 |
University of Trieste | Cray-XMP | Spring 1990 | Environmental organiations worldwide select Cray systems | The University of Trieste, a new customer for Cray Research, has installed a CRAY X-MP/14 system at the Universita Degli Studi Di Trieste Computer Center | 23 |
SNL Sandia National Lab | Cray-1 | Volume 3,Number 2 | SNL orders Cray-1 | 14 | |
CSIRO | Unspecified | Summer 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia , Japan, U.K., and U.S. | The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ( CSIRO) in Canberra , Australia, has installed a two processor CRAY Y-MP | 25 |
Daihatsu | Cray-YMP | Summer 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia , Japan, U.K., and U.S. | Daihatsu Motor Corporation in Japan , a new customer for Cray Research, has ordered a two-processor CRAY Y-MP supercomputer system. | 25 |
Du Pont | Cray-YMP | Summer 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia , Japan, U.K., and U.S. | E. I. duPont de Nemours & Company has ordered a four-processor CRAY Y-MP The new CRAY Y-MP supercomputer is Du Pont’s third Cray Research system | 25 |
RAE | Cray-2 | Summer 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia , Japan, U.K., and U.S. | The Royal Aerospace Establishment (RAE) , a British government defense research laboratory, has installed a four-processor CRAY- 2 supercomputer | 25 |
SNL Sandia National Lab | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 1 | Installations update | Cray-1 S/1000 SNL | 19 |
University of Nevada | Cray-YMP | Summer 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia , Japan, U.K., and U.S. | The University of Nevada-las Vegas (UNLV) has purchased a two-processor CRAY Y-MP | 25 |
Exxon | Unspecified | Fall 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Canada, France, Korea, United States | Exxon Corporation has ordered a CRAY Y-MP8 computer system, to be installed in the fourth quarter of 1990. The system will replace Exxon’s CRAY X-MP/14 and CRAY-1S systems. | 23 |
Hydro-Quebec | Unspecified | Fall 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Canada, France, Korea, United States | Hydro-Quebec , the principal Canadian supplier of hydroelectric power; installed a CRAY X-MP supercomputer system. Hydro-Quebec is a new customer for Cray Research. The system is being used at the Hydro-Quebec Center for Numerical Network Analysis in Montreal to simulate the behavior of the power transport network of Hydro-Quebec | 23 |
Kia Motors | Unspecified | Fall 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Canada, France, Korea, United States | Kia Motors Corporation, a Korean automobile manufacturer; has purchased a one-processor CRAY Y-MP4 computer system. This is the first commercial supercomputer order from Korea and the second sale in Korea by Cray Asia/Pacific, | 23 |
Thomson-CSF | Unspecified | Fall 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Canada, France, Korea, United States | Thomson-CSF of Paris, France, has installed a CRAY X-MP/216 supercomputer at its Radar Countermeasures Division | 23 |
US Air Force | Unspecified | Fall 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Canada, France, Korea, United States | Advanced Integrated Technology, under prime contract with Eglin Air force Base in Fort Walton, Florida, has ordered a two-processor CRAY Y-MP8 | 23 |
US Navy | Unspecified | Fall 1990 | Cray Research gains new customers in Canada, France, Korea, United States | Grumman Data Systems, under prime contract with the Naval Oceanography Command in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, has ordered an eight-processor CRAY Y-MP computer system. | 23 |
Chrysler | Cray-YMP | Winter 1991 | Cray Research sells first CRAY Y-MP2E systems | Chrysler corporation Chrysler Corporation installed a CRAY Y-MP2E computer system in the fourth quarter at the company’s engineering center in Highland Park, Michigan. The new system replaces a CRAY X-MP/14se system | 21 |
Honda | Cray-YMP | Winter 1991 | Cray Research sells first CRAY Y-MP2E systems | Honda Research & Development Company, lid., of Tochigi, Japan has installed a multiprocessor CRAY Y-MP supercomputer at its research and development facility in Tochigi. The CRAY Y-MP system replaces a CRAY X-MP system that was installed in 1987. | 21 |
Mazda | Cray-YMP | Winter 1991 | Cray Research sells first CRAY Y-MP2E systems | Mazda Motor Corporation in Hiroshima, japan, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E computer system, with 32 Mwords of memory, and an SSD solid-state storage device | 21 |
SNL Sandia National Lab | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 1 | LLNL, Sandia Install Crays | Sandia National Laboratories, also located in Livermore, installed a CRAY-1S/1000 | 13 |
Tohoku University | Cray-YMP | Winter 1991 | Cray Research sells first CRAY Y-MP2E systems | Tohoku University in Miyagi, Japan, installed a four-processor CRAY Y-MP system | 21 |
NCSA | Cray-YMP | Winter 1991 | Cray Research sells first CRAY Y-MP2E systems | The National Center for Supercomp uting Applications (NCSA) at the University of illinois at Urbana-Champaign installed a four-processor CRAY Y-MP computer system. The new system replaces a CRAY X-MP system; NCSA also has a CRAY-2 system. | 22 |
PRAKLA-SESMOS | Cray-YMP | Winter 1991 | Cray Research sells first CRAY Y-MP2E systems | PRAKLA-SEIS MOS AG, a private German geo physical and seismological research center; has ordered a CRAY Y-MP system for ins tallation at the company’s facilities in Hannover; Germany | 22 |
SNL Sandia National Lab | Cray-XMP | Fall 1985 | Cray Announces new orders | Sandia National Laboratories of Albuquerque, New Mexico, ordered a CRAY X-MP/24 computer system with a Solid-state Storage Device. | 26 |
SNL Sandia National Lab | Cray-XMP | Summer 1987 | Demand for Cray Systems continues | SNL installed a CRAY X-MP/ 416 computer system with SSD solid-state storage device. Cray Research announced in April that Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory also had ordered a CRAY X-MP/416 computer system and SSD solid-state storage device. | 33 |
Canon | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research and canon Sales form agreement to market CRAY Y-MP2E system in Japan | In accordance with the agreement, Canon ordered two CRAY Y-MP2E systems for delivery in 1991 and 199 | 30 |
Conoco | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia, England, the United States, and France | Conoco is the first petroleum company to order a CRAY Y-MP2E system | 30 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia, England, the United States, and France | The Australian Bureau of Meteorology Australia’s weather agency, a new cusmmer for Cray Research , has installed a CRAY X-MP14/se system | 30 |
Grumman | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia, England, the United States, and France | Grumman Corporation has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E system to be installed | 30 |
NIST | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia, England, the United States, and France | The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2 system, including a solid state storage device with 32 million words of memory. The new system will be installed early in 1991 at the institute’s facility in Gaithersburg, Maryland | 30 |
ONERA | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia, England, the United States, and France | The French National Organization of Aerospace Research (ONERA) has ordered a CRAY Y-MP system with 128 million words of memory. This system replaces a CRAY X-MP system | 30 |
Peugeot | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia, England, the United States, and France | Peugeot S.A. (PSA), an organization consisting of two French automobile manufacturers , Automobiles Peugeot and Automobiles Citroen, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E system replaces Cray X-MP. First Y-MP 2E in France | 30 |
UKMET | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia, England, the United States, and France | UKMET,The United Kingdom (UK) Meteorological Office in Bracknell, Berkshire, one of the world’s leading weather and climate research centers, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP8 system. The new system, which includes a solid-state storage device with 128 million words of memory, | 30 |
University of Texas | Unspecified | Spring 1991 | Cray Research gains new customers in Australia, England, the United States, and France | The University of Texas System’s Center for High Performance Computing has installed a CRAY Y-MP8 system and a solid state storage device. The new system replaces a CRAY X-MP 24 system and a CRAY X-MP EA/14se system. Each of the 14 universities in the system is able to access the new, more powerful CRAY Y-MP system. | 30 |
Apple | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | Apple Computer has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E supercomputer to be installed 24 at Apple’s main campus in Cupertino, California. The new system will replace Apple’s first Cray Research supercomputer, a CRAY X-MP system installed in 1986 | 24 |
CSP | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | The Centro Supercalcolo Piemonte (CSP), a new s upercomputer center located in Turin, Italy, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E system. | 24 |
Pfizer | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | Pfizer Inc a CRAY Y-MP2E system . The new system, installed at Pfizer Central Research in Groton, Connecticut, is the 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed by Cray Research at a customer site. | 24 |
SARA | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam (SARA), the Netherland s national supercomputer centei; has ordered a CRAY Y-MP supercomputer for academic research in science and engineering. Cray Research also has established research partnerships with SARA and the National Computing Facilities (NCF), a foundation in the Netherlands | 24 |
UNAM | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) has ordered a CRAY Y-MP4/432 system , the first Cray Research system to be in stalled in Latin America | 24 |
DKRZ | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | The German Climate Research Center (DKRZ), the primary climate research facility for united Germany, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP4E system for the organization’s facilities in Hamburg, Germany. The new supercomputer will be networked to an existing CRAY-2 system DKRZ installed in 1987. | 25 |
ETH | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | Eidgenossische Technische Hochscbule (ETH), a polytechnical institute located in Zurich, Switzerland, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP supercomputer to replace its CRAY X-MP system. Also ordered Unichem | 25 |
Fiat | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | Fiat Auto S.P.A. has ordered a CRAY Y-MP4 system for the company’s facility in Turin, Italy. The new system replaces a CRAY X-MP/ 14se system that was installed in 198 | 25 |
ICIM | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | Informatica Centrum Voor Infrastructuur en Milieu (ICIM), has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E supercomputer for ICIM’s headquarters in Rijswijk. ICIM will use its CRAY Y-MP2E system for a variety of tasks, including monitoring and forecasting the effects of transportation on the environment, supporting various civil engineering projects, and analyzing and predicting changes in the waterways and coastline in the Netherlands. | 25 |
Isuzu | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | lsuzu Motors, Ltd. in Tokyo, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E supercomputer and an SSD solid-state storage device. lsuzu, a new customer for Cray Research, plans to use its CRAY Y-MP2E system to streamline its computer-aided engineering | 25 |
Marion Merrell Dow | Cray-YMP | Summer 1991 | 100th CRAY Y-MP system installed at Pfizer and other customers | Marion Merrell Dow Inc. has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E system for its Research Institute headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company will use its new CRAY Y-MP2E system for macromolecular modeling of enzymes and protein receptors in the design of pharmaceutical products. | 25 |
Sun Company | Cray-XMP | Summer 1988 | New customers join Cray’s worldwide market; first order for Cray YMP system | Ordered a Cray X-MP/48 computer system with SSD Device. | 32 |
Sun Company | Cray-XMP | Volume 6,Number 4 | Oil producerers expand Cray use | CRAY X-MP/ 12 by Sun Company. The system is scheduled for installation in the fourth quarter of 1984 at Sun’s Richardson Computer Center in Richardson, Texas. | 14 |
Altair | Cray-EL | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Altair Engineering, Inc ., an automotive engineering consulting company, installed an entry level system at its facility in Troy, Michigan. The new system replaces a Convex computer system | 31 |
ARE | Cray-EL | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Defence Research Agency, Maritime Division, Admiralty Research Establishment (ARE), Dunfermline, a United Kingdom Ministry of Defence site located in Scotland, has ordered an entry level system to be used by scientists in the organization’s vulnerability and structures group | 31 |
Asahi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. | Cray-YMP | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Tokyo-based Asahi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., japan’s largest chemical company, has in stalled a CRAY Y-MP2E system at its research laboratories in Shizuoka-ken. Asahi is the first japanese customer also to license UniChem, | 31 |
ENUSA | Cray-EL | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Empresa Nacional del Uranio, S.A. (ENUSA), a national company for nuclear engineering located in Madrid, has ordered a Cray Research entry level system. | 31 |
LLE | Cray-YMP | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | University of Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE), Rochester, New York, h as ordered its first Cray Research supercomputei; a CRAY Y-MP2E system. LLE researchers will use the system to investigate nuclear-fusion energy sources using in-house computational fluid dynamics software codes. | 31 |
Nagaoka University of Technology, | Cray-EL | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Nagaoka University of Technology, in japan has ordered a Cray Research entry level system | 31 |
NCAR | Cray-YMP | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP supercomputer to be one of the few supercomputers in the world dedicated solely to climate research. NCAR w ill establish a numerical climate research laboratory with funds provided by the Model Evaluation Consortium for Climate Assessment (MECCA) | 31 |
University of California – San Diego | Cray-XMP | Summer 1985 | NSF funding presents academic research options | University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign Illinois plans to install a CRAY X-MP/24, University of California, San Diego, gets a CRAY X-MP/48 | 22 |
Regional Computer Center of the University of Stuttgart (RUS), | Cray-YMP | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Regional Computer Center of the University of Stuttgart (RUS), has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E system to be used as a high-speed file server. The Cray Research system runs the UNICOS Storage System software | 31 |
ZIB | Cray-YMP | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Konrad-Zuse Center for Information Technology Berlin (ZIB), Konrad-Zuse Center for Information Technology Berlin (ZIB) has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E system to be networked to the center’s CRAY X-MP system purchased in 1987 | 31 |
ADD | Cray-YMP | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Agency for Defence Development ( ADD), has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E system to be installed late this year at ADD’s facility in Daejeon City, Repubic of Korea | 32 |
BMW | Cray-YMP | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) Bayerisch e Motoren Werke AG (BMW) has installed an eigh t-processor CRAY Y-MP system, the largest supercomputer offered by Cray Research and the largest of its systems currently installed at a European automotive company. | 32 |
Yamaha | Cray-YMP | Fall 1991 | Four first-time customers order entry level systems | Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. has ordered a CRAY Y-MP2E system to be installed at the company’s headquarters in Shizuoka-ken, japan. | 32 |
BA | Cray-YMP | Winter 1992 | Cray Research meets customer demand with full product line | British Aerospace has ordered a CRAY Y-MP EL system and a CRAY Y-MP4E system, DECNET Also MPGS | 34 |
CEG | Cray-YMP | Winter 1992 | Cray Research meets customer demand with full product line | Centre d’Etudes de Gramat (CEG), a defense and weapons laboratory located in Gramat, France, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP 2E system. | 34 |
ECMWF | Cray-C90 | Winter 1992 | Cray Research meets customer demand with full product line | ECMWF Cray Research has received several orders for CRAY Y-MP C90 systems, with one of the first installations to take place at the European Centre for MediumRange Weather Forecasts. ECMWF will use its new system to improve the accuracy of its medium-range (10 day) weather forecasts. | 34 |
FNOC | Cray-C90 | Winter 1992 | Cray Research meets customer demand with full product line | Fleet Numerical Oceanography Centre FNOC, CRAY Y-MP C90 system customers include Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (FNOC), the United States Navy’s primary numerical processing center for global atmospheric and oceanographic prediction | 34 |
MSC | Cray-EL | Winter 1992 | Cray Research meets customer demand with full product line | MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation (MSC), Los Angeles, a leading developer of finite element analysis software, has ordered a CRAY Y-MP EL system | 34 |
PSC | Cray-C90 | Winter 1992 | Cray Research meets customer demand with full product line | Pittsburg Supercomputer centre (PSC), one of the four National Science Foundation (NSF) Centers PSC will be the first non-government lab in the United States to receive t he CRAY Y-MP C90 | 34 |
ARE | Cray-EL | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | Admiralty Research Establishment (ARE) Haslar, | 30 |
Australian Weather Bureau | Cray-YMP | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | Australian Bureau of Meteorology, | 30 |
CWB | Cray-YMP | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | Republic of China (Taiwan) Central Weather Bureau (CWB), The Republic of China (Taiwan) Central Weather Bureau (CWB) has ordered a CRAY Y-MP8I system and a CRAY Y-MP EL system. | 30 |
ECP | Cray-EL | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | Ecole Central de Paris (ECP) | 30 |
EPFL | Cray-EL | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), | 30 |
Ford | Cray-C90 | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | Ford Motor Coordered a CRAY Y-MP C90 system to be installed at the automaker’s Engineering Computer Center in Dearborn, Michigan. The new system, which will replace a CRAY Y-MP since 1989 | 30 |
IMT | Cray-C90 | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | The Institut Mediterraneen de Technologie (IMT), | 30 |
LLNL | Cray-C90 | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), has signed an agreement to purchase a CRAY Y-MP C90 supercomputer for delivery to LLNL’s National Energy Research Supercomputer Center (NERSC) LLNL’s order for the CRAY Y-MP C90 system follows the cancellation of a system order from Cray Computer Corporation of Colorado Springs, Colorado. | 30 |
Lotus | Cray-EL | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | Lotus Engineering, | 30 |
Max Planck | Cray-YMP | Spring 1992 | Cray Research receives first commercial order for CRAY Y·MP C90 system | Max Planck Society, | 30 |
Audi | Cray-YMP | Fall 1992 | Audi (AG) | ordered and installed a CRAY Y-MP 2E also MPGS | 32 |
EPA | Cray-YMP | Fall 1992 | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | Ordered a two-processor CRAY Y-MP s The order contract includes an option for another supercomputer for the EPA’s Research Triangle Park, North Carolina | 32 |
MSC Minnesota Supercomputer Center | Cray-C90 | Fall 1992 | Minnesota Supercomputer Center orders most advanced Cray Research supercomputers | Cray Research will install a CRAY Y-MP C90 system in the second quarter of 1993. The company also will install a CRAY Y-MP M92 system at MSCI during the fourth quarter of 1992. | 32 |
SERC | Cray-YMP | Fall 1992 | Science and engineering research council (SERC), | ordered a CRAY Y-MP 8I system to support a broad range of science and engineering projects. The system will be installed at the Atlas Centre of SERC’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the United Kingdom, where it will replace a CRAY X-MP system. | 32 |
Amoco | Cray-EL | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | Amoco Oil Company installed a CRAY Y-MP EL system. Both companies’ systems are housed in Calgary, Alberta. | 29 |
BFW | Cray-YMP | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | Germany’s Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau Ordered a CRAY Y-MP 2E | 29 |
CGG | Cray-YMP | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | Compagnie Generale de Geophysique (CGG), installed and accepted a CRAY Y-MP 4E | 29 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Unspecified | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading , England, had installed and formally accepted a CRAY Y-MP C90 system, marking the first European installation and the first installation outside the United States of the high-end supercomputer. Initial CRAY Y-MP C90 system benchmarks showed that ECMWF’s 10-day weather forecasting model would achieve a fivefold speedup over the performance of the eight-processor CRAY Y-MP. | 29 |
CSFR | Cray-EL | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | The Academy of Sciences in Prague in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR), ordered a CRAY Y-MP EL system, the first order for a Cray Research system from an organization in Eastern Europe “The CRAY Y-MP EL system will open up a new world for us,” said jaroslav Nadrchal, | 29 |
Landmark Graphics | Cray-EL | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | Landmark Graphics Corporation installed a CRAY Y-MP EL system. Both companies’ systems are housed in Calgary, Alberta. | 29 |
LLNL | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s National Energy Research Supercomputer Center (NERSC), accepted a CRAY Y-MP C90 system in October. | 29 |
Mitsui | Cray-EL | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | Mitsui Construction Company, Installed a CRAY Y-MP EL in Japan | 29 |
Mobil | Cray-YMP | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | Mobil Corporation, ordered and installed a CRAY Y-MP 4E | 29 |
NASA | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Talks about a new supercomputer for NASA’s Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California | 29 |
University of Magdeburg | Cray-YMP | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | The University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany located in the new federal state of Sachsen-Anhalt in the former East Germany territory, accepted a CRAY Y-MP 2E supercomputer | 29 |
US Department of Energy | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 1 | Demand continues for high-end systems | U .S. Department of Energy’s Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL), Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, ordered a CRAY Y-MP C90 supercomputer Support for the naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. | 29 |
US Department of Energy | Cray-T3D | Volume 15, Number 1 | Department of Energy, Cray Research team up to boost competitiveness | Department of Energy (DOE) and Cray Research in October entered into a preliminary agreement calling for two of DOE’s premier research facilities the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories-to work with the supercomputer-maker on developing massively parallel processing (MPP) systems that will result in greater capabilities for the national labs and enhanced competitiveness for U.S . firms in the global market. | 29 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | General Atomics,ordered a CRAY C98 supercomputing system, to be installed at the San Diego Supercomputer Center will replace the center’s CRAY Y-MP system | 26 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INM), Spain Cray C94 First Wether org with new CRAY C94 | 26 |
ARSC | Cray-YMP | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC), University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC) accepted a CRAY Y-MP M98 system. | 27 |
KFA | Cray-YMP | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | Forschungszentrum julich GmbH (KFA), CRAY Y-MP M94 system for various research applications. The new system will replace a CRAY X-MP system at the center. | 27 |
LRZ | Cray-YMP | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | Leibniz Computer Center of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (Leibniz Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der issenschaften-LRZ), ordered an eight processor CRAY Y-MP system. The system replaces a four-processor CRAY Y-MP supercomputer | 27 |
Martin Marietta | CRAY-APP | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, awarded Cray Research a subcontract to supply six CRAY APP (Attached Parallel Processor) systems with related computer equipment and system integration. Cray Research Superservers ( CRS), Beaverton, Oregon, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cray Research , supplied the systems. | 27 |
University of Stuttgart | Cray-1 | Volume 4,Number 3 | Three systems to be installed in Germany | Cray-1 The University of Stuttgart will receive a CRAY-1 for use in nuclear safety, plasma physics and fluid dynamics research. | 17 |
NASA – Goddard | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, ordered a CRAY C98 With 256 million words of central memory, atmospheric modelers will be able to perform multi-year data assimilation experiments with complex dynamical, chemical, interactive global, atmospheric circulation models | 27 |
PSA | Cray-YMP | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | PSA Peugeot-Citroen, accepted a CRAY Y-MP 4E supercomputer in PSAs Data Processing Center in Velizy, France | 27 |
PSC | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), accepted a 16-processor CRAY Y-MP C90 supercomputer | 27 |
Queens | Cray-EL | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | Queen’s University of Belfast has installed a CRAY Y-MP EL entry level supercomputer system at the university’s computer center in Belfast | 27 |
US Navy | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 2 | Demand strong for new CRAY C90 systems | Bettis Laboratory, West Mifflin , Pennsylvania, placed an order for a CRAY Y-MP C90 | 27 |
University of Stuttgart | Cray-2 | Fall 1985 | First Forign order for Cray-2 | Contract for University of Stuttgart, West Germany for the installation of a CRAY -2 computer system. This order is the first for a CRAY-2 outside of the United States. | 26 |
NOAA | Cray-T3E | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | The U .S. Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded a five-year, $46 million contract to Cray Research to lease a CRAY C916 supercomputer. The National Weather Service’s National Meteorological Center (NMC) will use the supercomputer | 3 |
ARSC | Cray-T3E | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | The Arctic Region Supercomputing Center, a national facility located at the University of Alaska Fairbanks , ordered a 128-processor CRAY T3D system for installation in first quarter 1994. | 29 |
CEA | Cray-T3E | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | The Commissariat a l ‘Energie Atomique (CEA) , Division des Applications Militaires-the French Atomic Energy Commission-ordered a 128-processor CRAY T3D system that will be closely coupled with a CRAY M92 system already onsite at CEA/Limeil. | 29 |
EDF | Cray-SuperServer | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | research division of Electricite de France (EDF), the world’s largest electrical utility, based in Clamart, France, will be an early customer for Cray Research Superservers’ new CRAY SUPERSERVER 6400 ( CS6400) system | 29 |
EPFL | Cray-T3E | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | Ecole Polytechnique Federate de Lausanne (EPFL), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, signed a preliminary agreement to acquire a 256- processor system in early 1994 as part of PATP | 29 |
JPL | Cray-T3E | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | NASA’s jet Propulsion Laboratory/ JPL Caltech), Pasadena, California, is scheduled to receive a 256-processor system in fourth quarter 1993 . | 29 |
PSC | Cray-T3E | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center installed and accepted a 32-processor CRAY T3D prototype, scheduled to become a 512-processor production system in early 1994. | 29 |
SICAN | Cray-SuperServer | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | SICAN, a German electronics firm based in Hannover, ordered a CRAY SUPERSERVER 6400 ( CS6400) a 20-processor system that will be upgraded later in 1994 to a 48-processor system. | 29 |
UTM | Cray-EL | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems at the Universitiy Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) ordered a CRAY Y-MP EL | 29 |
CNRS | Cray-T3E | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), Paris, France, ordered a CRAY C98 supercomputer, the eight processor model in the expanded CRAY C90 series | 30 |
ECMWF | Cray-T3E | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | The European Centre for MediumRange Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ordered a CRAY T3D system that will be closely coupled with a CRAY Y-MP2E parallel-vector supercomputer system also ordered by ECMWF | 30 |
EDF | Cray-T3E | Volume 15, Number 3 | EDF also ordered a CRAY C98 supercomputer, its eighth Cray Research system since 1981. | 30 | |
Ford | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | Ford Motor Company ordered a second CRAY C916 system, to be installed at its Engineering Computer Center in Dearborn, Michigan | 30 |
Freddie Mac | Cray-EL | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | Freddie Mac installed its second CRAY Y-MP EL supercomputer system at its Reston, Virginia, | 30 |
Hyundai | Cray-YMP | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | Hyundai Motor Company installed a CRAY Y-MP 4E supercomputer at its Passenger Car Engineering Center in Ulsan, Republic of Korea | 30 |
KIST | Cray-C90 | Volume 15, Number 3 | CRAY T3D system debuts with strong initial orders | Cray Research received its first Asia Pacific order for the company’s top-of-the- line supercomputer when the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), in Taejon , Korea, ordered a CRAY C916 system. | 30 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Languages | Volume 15, Number 3 | Cray Research introduces CraySoft products for RISC systems | CraySoft products from Cray Research provide a Cray Research-compatible programming and production environment to users of desktop and server systems | 32 |
Bayer AG | Cray-C90 | Volume 16, Number 1 | Three of the world’s largest chemical companies get CRAY C90 systems | Bayer AG is the first European chemical firm to order a Cray Research supercomputer system, a two-processor, air-cooled CRAY C92A system featuring very large DRAM memory capacity | 34 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Cray-C90 | Volume 16, Number 1 | Three of the world’s largest chemical companies get CRAY C90 systems | E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (DuPont) has ordered a CRAY C94 supercompute | 34 |
Dow Chemical Company | Cray-C90 | Volume 16, Number 1 | Three of the world’s largest chemical companies get CRAY C90 systems | The Dow Chemical Company has entered into a three-year partnership with Cray Research to further advance supercomputing capabilities for chemical engineering and process simulation. As part of the agreement, Dow has acquired a CRA Y C92A supercomputer installed at Cray Research’s computer facility in Eagan, Minnesota. | 34 |
EPA | Cray-EL | Volume 16, Number 1 | Three of the world’s largest chemical companies get CRAY C90 systems | The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ordered a CRAY C94 supercomputer to be installed at the National Environmental Supercomputer Center in Bay City, Michigan. The CRAY C94 system replaces the EPA’s existing CRAY Y-MP supercomputer | 34 |
MSC | Cray-T3D | Volume 16, Number 1 | Three of the world’s largest chemical companies get CRAY C90 systems | Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc. (MSCI) has installed a 128- processor CRAY T3D system. The new MPP system will be closely coupled with MSCI’s existing eight-processor CRAY C916 parallel vector supercomputer system | 34 |
OSC | Cray-T3D | Volume 16, Number 1 | Three of the world’s largest chemical companies get CRAY C90 systems | The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) has acquired an air-cooled 32- processor CRAY T3D system, which will be housed at the OSC facility in Columbus, which already includes CRAY Y-MP8 and CRAY EL systems | 34 |
SARA | Cray-EL | Volume 16, Number 1 | Three of the world’s largest chemical companies get CRAY C90 systems | Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam (SARA), the Dutch national supercomputer center in Amsterdam, has installed a new CRAY C98 supercomputer system with four CPUs and 256 Mwords of Memory | 34 |
Taisho Pharmaceutical | Cray-EL | Volume 16, Number 1 | Three of the world’s largest chemical companies get CRAY C90 systems | Taisho Pharmaceutical became Cray Research’s first pharmaceutical customer in Japan when it ordered a twoprocessor CRAY EL92 Also Unichem | 34 |
University of Toronto | Cray-XMP | Fall 1986 | Worldwide market grows | CRAY X-MP/ 22 supercomputer with an SSD storage device is scheduled for installation at the University of Toronto canada | 27 |
Chiba University | Cray-EL | Volume 16, Number 2 | Chiba University installs nine Cray Research systems for general education | Chiba University of Tokyo has installed eight CRAY EL92 deskside supercomputing systems and one CRAY SUPERSERVER 6400 ( CS6400 | 31 |
Chiba University | Cray-SuperServer | Volume 16, Number 2 | Chiba University installs nine Cray Research systems for general education | Chiba University of Tokyo has installed eight CRAY EL92 deskside supercomputing systems and one CRAY SUPERSERVER 6400 ( CS6400 | 31 |
DKRZ | Cray-C90 | Volume 16, Number 2 | DKRZ | Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ), has installed a 12-processor CRAY C916 system at its Hamburg facilities . With 256 Mwords of Memory | 31 |
Hawtai-Whiting Group | Cray-J16 | Volume 16, Number 2 | Hawtai-Whiting Group installs CRAY EL98 system, will add CRAY J916 system | Hawtal-Whiting Group, an engineering design consulting firm based in the United Kingdom, has installed a CRAY EL98 supercomputer at its Basildon, Essex , headquarters and has also ordered a CRAY J916 system. Colin Cox, senior principal engineer, said Hawtal-Whiting selected the CRAY EL98 system after evaluating it against other supercomputers | 31 |
LANL | Cray-M90 | Volume 16, Number 2 | LANL | The Defense Nuclear Agency of the Department of Defense has installed a 2-Gword CRAY M98 system at Los Alamos National Laboratory, supplementing their CRAY Y-MP and CRAY X-MP systems. | 31 |
MCC | Cray-SuperServer | Volume 16, Number 2 | The Manchester Computing Centre, | The Manchester Computing Centre,University of Manchester, added to its history of leading-edge computing by installing a 12-processor CRAY SUPERSERVER 6400 (CS6400) system as the new computing platform for the United Kingdom (UK) census data | 31 |
NCAR | Cray-T3D | Volume 16, Number 2 | The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has installed four Cray Research systems, for CSL | The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has installed four Cray Research systems, including a 64-PE CRAY T3D system, a CRAY Y-MP8I system, and two CRAY EL92 deskside systems. The CRAY T3D and CRAY Y-MP8I systems will provide the foundation for the establishment of the Climate Simulation Laboratory (CSL) at NCAR | 31 |
NCAR | Cray-YMP | Volume 16, Number 2 | The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has installed four Cray Research systems, for CSL | The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has installed four Cray Research systems, including a 64-PE CRAY T3D system, a CRAY Y-MP8I system, and two CRAY EL92 deskside systems. The CRAY T3D and CRAY Y-MP8I systems will provide the foundation for the establishment of the Climate Simulation Laboratory (CSL) at NCAR | 31 |
NCAR | Cray-EL | Volume 16, Number 2 | The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has installed four Cray Research systems, for CSL | The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has installed four Cray Research systems, including a 64-PE CRAY T3D system, a CRAY Y-MP8I system, and two CRAY EL92 deskside systems. The CRAY T3D and CRAY Y-MP8I systems will provide the foundation for the establishment of the Climate Simulation Laboratory (CSL) at NCAR | 31 |
SERC | Cray-T3D | Volume 16, Number 2 | SERC obtains fastest supercomputer in Europe | The Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) has chosen a 256-PE CRAY T3D system for use in Grand Challenge scientific applications. | 31 |
UKMET | Cray-C90 | Volume 16, Number 2 | UK Met | United Kingdom Meteorological Office has obtained a CRAY C916 system for its Bracknell, Berkshire location. With 140 Gbytes of disk storage and 256 Mwords of central memory, the fully loaded, 16-CPU system will be six times faster than each of the two CRAY Y-MP systems it replaces | 31 |
University of Tokyo | Cray-SuperServer | Volume 16, Number 2 | University of Tokyo | The University of Tokyo has ordered and installed a CRAY SUPERSERVER 6400 (CS6400) system with 16 processors and one Gbyte of central memory | 31 |
Churchill | Cray-SuperServer | Volume 17, Number 1 | UK’s Churchill Insurance installs two CRAY C56400 systems for mission-critical OLTP | Leading United Kingdom insurer Churchill Insurance recently installed two 13-processor CS6400 systems Churchill’s Bromley headquarters facility, where they will be used as high-end, mission-critical Oracle online transaction processing (OLTP) servers, Amdahl extensions .Amdahl is providing systems management software and systems integration. | 33 |
Fiji capital markets | Cray-EL | Volume 17, Number 1 | Fuji Capital Markets Corporation, a subsidiary of Tokyo-based The Fuji Bank, Ltd., ordered a CRAY EL94 minisupercomputer system. | For installation at Fuji Capital Markets Corporation’s U.S. headquarters in the World Trade Center, New York. Other Cray Research customers in the financial industry include Atlantic Portfolio Analytics and Management (APAM), Citicorp’s Citibank, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association (“Freddie Mac”), and Merrill Lynch | 33 |
VW | Cray-2 | Fall 1987 | Cray gains customers worldwide | Volkswagen A.G . ordered a CRAY X-MP/14 system with SSD Solid-state Storage Device. 11th Cray system in west Germany | 19 |
Cray Research, Inc. | Unspecified | Volume 17, Number 1 | Cray Solutions provides full services to commercial parallel processing market | 34 | |
DOD | Cray-T3D | Volume 17, Number 1 | The Department of Defense High Performance Computing Distributed Center at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, ordered a 128-processor CRAY T3D system. Coupled with the center’s existing CRAY Y-MP and CRAY Y-MP EL supercomputers | 34 | |
Wyane State University | Cray-J16 | Volume 17, Number 1 | Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, ordered a CRAY J916 system for use by its chemistry department | 34 | |
VW | Cray-YMP | Winter 1992 | Cray Research meets customer demand with full product line | Volkswagen AG (VW), has installed a CRAY Y-MP8 system at the automaker’s Research and Development Center in Wolfsburg, Germany. The new system, which replaces a CRAY X-MP system. | 34 |
3M | Cray-J16 | Volume 18, Number 1 | 3M installed a CRAY J916 compact supercomputer at its Electronic Products Division in Austin, Texas. | 20 | |
Akzo Nobel | Cray-J16 | Volume 18, Number 1 | Akzo Nobel has ordered its second Cray Research supercomputer system. | A CRAY J90 supercomputer system installed in the Netherlands, A CRAY EL system also installed at Akzo Nobel will be used as a file server | 20 |
Brown University | Cray-T90 | Volume 18, Number 1 | Providence, Rhode Island-based Brown University has installed the first of two Cray Research supercomputers | Brown’s is the first university physics department in the United States to acquire a Cray system: a large memory (four gigabyte) CRA Y EL98 system, to be followed by a CRAY J916 system. | 20 |
DOE | Cray-J16 | Volume 18, Number 1 | The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) ordered two CRAY J916 supercomputers for installation at AlliedSignal Kansas City Division | 20 | |
IDRS | Cray-T3E | Volume 18, Number 1 | Cray Research receives orders for new scalable CRAY T3E system | The French National Supercomputing Facility (IDRIS) for the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) has placed an order for a CRAY T3D and a CRAY T3E system | 20 |
JATRIC | Cray-T90 | Volume 18, Number 1 | T94 for Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Center for the Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering | an order for a CRAY T94 supercomputer from the Tokyo-based JATRIC Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Center for the Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering. The order was officially received from Fujitsu Ltd. | 20 |
Mascotech Enginerring | Cray-J16 | Volume 18, Number 1 | MascoTech Engineering installed a CRA Y J916 compact supercomputer system at its United Kingdom facility | 20 | |
NTT | Cray-T90 | Volume 18, Number 1 | NTT installs T90 | Japanese telecommunications giant Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NIT) has installed a top-of-the-line, 32-processor CRAY T90 supercomputer at the company’s Musashino R&D center in Musashino City, Japan | 20 |
PSC | Cray-T3E | Volume 18, Number 1 | Cray Research receives orders for new scalable CRAY T3E system | The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) will receive the first highend version of the CRAY T3E scalable parallel computer system . Due to start shipping in early 1996, | 20 |
University of Las Andes | Cray-J16 | Volume 18, Number 1 | The University of Los Andes, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia, installed a CRAY 916 | 20 | |
Maclanberg | Cray-SuperServer | Volume 18, Number 1 | Macklanburg-Duncan, a leading home improvement products manufacturer headquartered in Oklahoma City, installed two CRAY CS6400 | 21 | |
NSRC | Cray-T90 | Volume 18, Number 1 | Singapore establishes itself as the premier high-performance computing facility in South East Asia | Singapore’s National Supercomputing Research Centre installs top-of-the-line T94 supercomputer. Two other Cray supercomputers , a CRAY ]916 system at the Computer Centre of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and a CRAY EL98 system at the NUS Centre for Computational Mechanics , were installed in june and November of 1995. The CRAY ]916 system, installed at the NUS Computer Centre in june 1995, has since been upgraded from 8 to 12 CPUs | 21 |