
Cray Supercomputers at VTKK / CSC in Finland

The VTKK Site in Finland has hosted a range of Cray and other supercomputers since it was noted in Cray Channels that … A document “Supercomputing in Finland and Europe” by Janne Ignatius 9.1.2015 provide insight into the Cray (and other) Supercomputers in Finland.  Best pictures extracted here – Full Document here …   CSC Finland […]

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About the HNM Heinz Nixdorf MuseumForum in Paderborn

This large tech museum in Padaborn Germany has SN2o18 Cray-2 on display. Editor note: SN2018 is currently listed as having previously worked at National Energy Research Supercomputer Center (NERSC) @ Lawrence Berkeley Livermore Labratory and Internal machine at Cray Research, Inc (CRI). Not sure how it ended up in Europe unless it did some time

About the HNM Heinz Nixdorf MuseumForum in Paderborn Read More »

EL and C90 Poster Centerfolds

These two posters appeared side by side in Cray Channels V13_N4 as centre folds. Also distributed as wall posters. These two machines, at the opposite ends of the Cray performance spectrum, nevertheless less ran the same UNICOS operating systems and compiler environments. The EL often appeared at larger Cray sites acting as a software development

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Cray System Installation photos

Getting a new machine is always an exciting moment for customers. The installation engineer’s often spend many hours testing and configuring the systems ready for customer acceptance. Your install picture are solicited for this entry. Email over to the contact address. Install Timelapse YouTubes: Installing Jaguar, update to Kraken  Time lapse Upgrading Kraken processors Upgrading Jaguar

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