28 July 2021

Serial Number 1

The first of a kind always holds special interest for historians and serial number one, the first Cray-1 computer system is no exception. Made in 1976 this machine, really just the prototype but proved it’s worth at 6 sites paving the way for early sales of Cray Research Supercomputers. Serial Number 1 World Travellerย From Cray […]

Serial Number 1

About The Chippewa Falls museum of Industry and Technology with Serial Number 1 and Serial Number 101

The Chippewa Falls museum of Industry and Technology is of particular interest to followers of supercomputing technology. The museum located in home town of supercomputer maker Cray Research and holds the assets of the original Cray Corporate Computer museum. Included in the collection is Serial Number 1, the first Cray-1 supercomputer and Serial Number 101

About The Chippewa Falls museum of Industry and Technology with Serial Number 1 and Serial Number 101 Read More ยป

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